28 January 2012

Rule number 1, Cardio

I've decided to step up my game! Which really means just to knuckle down and take care of myself.

Two days in, I've run! Yesterday was 2.75 miles on the elliptical, and then today with Sue, a mile at the Davidson Mesa Trail. Everything is pretty sore from my workout yesterday. My calves and my shoulders especially. But nothing compared to Crossfit days. Those sucked. (PS. Don't ever do Bulgarian squats. They were designed for torture. 3 days later, I could still barely move)

I don't necessarily have a goal weight loss. I just want to be able to lift people into my ambulance better, and my goal is to run a 5k this year. and it's nice to have the motivation of not wanting to wump out, and not wasting someone else's time. So. I dig that.

Also, when the Zombie apocalypse happens (Mayan Calender anyone? It's happening), I would like to survive, thanks to my newly acquired ability to frolic like a Gazelle. 

So far, my favorite part of running is getting to come home and take a nap. Which, of course, I live for!

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