Operation Get Dibe on a mission has begun! I've started selling my movies and books will get posted in the next couple of weeks, plus a bake sale is coming up. Holy Wow, this is real. I'm going!
For your entertainment pleasure, some random quotes from the last shift:
Patient: You have quite the extensive vocabulary for someone your age... What grade are you in?
Me: I already finished school, I graduated!
Patient: Oh. I thought you were in Junior High.
Me: ... oh..
Whilst discussing the safety of a police officer doing a traffic stop (while we were driving by)
Partner: Oh, don't shoot him
Me: Yeah, because we'll stab you! Versed in the butt cheek!!!
Partner: almost cries from laughing
Me: Let's exit now
Partner: Why?
Me: The roads suck and we'll get pulled over. And I'll get tazed...
"But officer, my partner was the one driving!"
zap-zap-zap-zap-zap (imagine as a tazer)
Never a dull day for us
haha....this just made my afternoon.