01 March 2013

Soul Truths

I am lucky enough to find myself in very interesting and unique situations and conversations. Today was no different.

I sat at the hospital preparing to do a blood draw for the state patrol when an elderly lady touched my elbow. She told me that her husband of fifty years lay in ct getting checked for whatever is causing headaches and dizziness. She asked if she could sit with me for a few minutes. How could I refuse?

I sat down and she told me stories. Stories of her maiden years; of the times she turned down dates to take her little sister to dance classes. She told me that the secret to a successful marriage is remembering to love them. and to serve them to forgive and to have fun. She stopped at some point and very poigantly asked me "What do you know for certain?"

I thought about that. What do I know for certain? I said that I know that despite the bad in the world that people are good. That its easy to love others when you remember that nobody gets out of this world alive.

She smiled and shook her head.
"What do you really know for certain?" She asked me.
 I told her what I felt in my heart. I know for certain that God lives. That His Son suffered and died for me. and that they still talk to their children now and they have a prophet on the earth.
she just closed her yes and sighed. "yes. that's it."

"What are you doing about that?" she asked me.
"Doing about what?" I responded
"You know soul truths." she called it. "what are you going to do with the soul truths?"

I smiled. "I am going on a mission for my church." Again, she smiled. "I spent a long time not knowing that I was loved by God, that God cared. That the Savior died for me. I don't want anyone else to feel that way."

She patted my hand gently as her husband was wheeled back into the room. She hugged me and walked away.

For the rest of the day, I've thought "What do I know for certain."

I now present the same question to you. What do YOU know for certain. What are your Soul Truths?

1 comment:

  1. I pondered the same question when Neal's sister died. "Do I really know the things I proclaim I do?" "Do I really believe in life after death?" "If I died tomorrow would I be scared or would I rejoice seeing my Savior?"

    Thank you for posting this. It is truly a beautiful moment :)
