16 March 2011

Fear, faith and insurance policies

What a stressful day today has been... I did really poorly in PT. Really poorly. I made it through about a quarter of my exercises before my physical therapist demanded that I stop. Discouraged and embarassed by my unexplained inability to finish my 45 minute exercise, I limped home. I scowled at the world, there is no way to pass the lift test if it goes at all like physical therapy today. All day I've held onto that poor disposition. why?
I go tomorrow to get the official clearance to go back to work, and made several phone calls to ensure the possibiltiy of returning to work a total of 4 weeks early!
This means I've already been put back on the schedule, whoch means that my replacement emt has already been scheduled elsewhere. people are relying on my return. Not to mension the pride of returning so much earlier, it's quite the conundrum.
Then I walked in the door, just to have to deal with the drama of insirance policies and medical bureaucracy.

All that being said, I choose faith over fear, faith over uncertainty. I love that with faith, you don't have to have all the answers, you just trust that everything will work out the way the way it needs to work out. If I'm not supposed to be back, I won't pass. If I am, simply, I will.

Still,if I do fail, there will be lots of cookie dough in my immediate future..
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